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aka Justene. This blog is a place to check out more of my work, and get a special look into my wedding & portrait experience.
Hi, I'm Jbaby

The season of preparation for an incredible, transitional stage in life... senior year. After spending most of the years you can remember consistently working on an academic education in grade school, it’s time for YOU to decide what’s next.

Will it be furthering an academic education or trade? Or taking a year to explore more of what this world has to offer? What is the role that only YOU can fulfill in changing the world? What will it take for you to pursue your dreams, passions, and goals with all of your heart?

Answering these kinds of legitimate life questions takes far more than just a few minutes of reflection to figure out. I'm a firm believer in "the adventure begins within." Knowing your purpose is eternally important before going out and actually doing something, but discovering that purpose can't happen without discovering yourself first.

The answer is this: "Your eye is like a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is filled with light." There is something that happens in us when we see an image of ourselves, perhaps in a way we never have before. An image that is a true and accurate reflection of who we are does something grounding and encouraging to us. We are filled with love, light, and only good things. I want you to see this for yourself, to be fully confident in yourself and the dreams that you have.

My Senior Adventure Sessions are based around having an authentic experience of expressing oneself—taking a chunk of 'ME' time to discover more deeply what it is that sets someone apart from everybody else. Living fully alive in our essence and purpose without the pressures that can be put on us to 'be somebody' or 'do something' is hard even day to day. I'm here to pause the overthinking! After all, this is your journey, your life to live, your own essence to be. Diving deeper into who you are is one of the most worthwhile experiences you will ever have.

... It's that time.

I invite you to go on an adventure with me where all the anxieties, fears, and worries of 'life' are not allowed—only freedom, beauty, and embracing who you truly were made to be. What we experience on the inside is what comes out on the outside!

I require that a small questionnaire be filled out for you to either go over with me via email or over coffee (if you are a Scranton local), so that we can dive right into these things! It's designed to help draw out some of those things that set you apart from others. You won't have to print it or answer it in MLA format or anything silly—brief and honest answers that you jot in your daily notes will do just fine. On this, I want to learn more about w hat sets you apart, and how we can reflect that through expressing yourself, as well as what kind of adventure you want to have on this session - reflective of the adventure you want to have in life.

After we get an idea of what the session is going to look like, I'll scout out the perfect locations for us to shoot at, and relay a definite schedule to you of what we'll be doing for the session.

I'm just the one who uses the creativity and skill I'm given to capture the unique heart that has been put inside of you. We'll go where we need to go, and get what we need to get in order for your portraits to most accurately reflect and express who you are as an individual. All I need from you is to be yourself!

I can't wait to adventure with you! Contact me here for further booking inquiries and questions below 





What will your senior adventure look like?

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Hi! I'm Justene, but my friends all call me Jbaby.

Rebel, dreamer, creative, empath, animal + nature enthusiast, and fashion lover, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

... My heart is made up of quite a few things, as you can see.

Not only am I a photographer/ videographer, but a mama of two cats, well traveled explorer, and fashion stylist. Through all of these things, I get to connect with people, but its my empathic nature that allows me to really get deep with it all. Celebrating people + stories through these relationships is what lights my creative heart up.